
Use Local Variables

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This web based ASP article defines the benefits of local variables with sub-routines instead of using global variables. This article says that using local variables results in cleaner codes that are easy to debug.

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When Session Variables Go Bad - Introduction

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This ASP learning source deals with Session Variables and describes the possibilities of problems on using them in ASP applications and also guides you to solve the problems.

Cost: Free

Declare all your variables at the top of your ASP page

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Variable declaration is an important function in ASP programs and web applications which is elaborately discussed in this online ASP study article.

Cost: Free

Use Option Explicit

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Through this ASP educational tutorial, beginners in ASP will be able to know the ways to declare variables explicitly in their ASP applications.

Cost: Free

Use prefix notation when naming your variables

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This article details to enable your source code to be understood easily by the readers. This tutorial suggests in following certain naming conventions and to name with sense.

Cost: Free

Variables and Values in VBScript

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This powerful online ASP tutorial will be very useful for those who need to gather more information on variables and values in VBScript that can be accessed in ASP applications.

Cost: Free

Passing Variables Between ASP Pages using POST

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Passing several values from one web page to another page using ASP is clearly explained in this ASP study module where 'POST' method is described to perform the data transfer.

Cost: Free

Show All Server Variables

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An useful online tutorial for ASP programmers to learn the ways to retrieve the server variables through ASP functions.

Cost: Free

Passing Variables from Page to Page

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An ASP tutorial that educates you on how to send form values to another page with hidden fields. Gives more suggestions to access the hidden values without storing it.

Cost: Free

Load Down: Application Center Test

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This ASP tutorial analyzes the problems with sending dynamic data from page to page when executing load-test on an ASP application and provides alternate ways to perform the load-test successfully.

Cost: Free

ColorConversion Object

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The tabulated methods and properties of RGB and HexaDecimal color structure comes with detailed description which lets you learn how to convert RGB and hexadecimal color values between them.

Cost: Free

Version: 2.0

Display all active session variables

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From this online ASP learning course, you will come to know the ways to collect all the session variables in your ASP application programs.

Cost: Free

Complete Web page PATH

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Using Response object's servervariables() method, it is possible to find the path of the running page which is explained in detail in this ASP tutorial.

Cost: Free

Trace your referrer

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This smaller online ASP article will be more useful for novice programmers in ASP to track the statistics with referrer details in ASP pages.

Cost: Free

ASP Variables

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Declaring variables in ASP applications to manipulate their values all over the source code can be quickly understood from this online ASP tutorial.

Cost: Free

List of Server Variables

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This variables in ASP article defines few of the server variables that can be used on website applications and provides required source code for free.

Cost: Free

How to get the server variables

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All server variables that provide the details such as server software, browser type the user uses, and still lot of information can be gathered using ASP function which is explained in this ASP article.

Cost: Free

Exploring the Request Object

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With the help GET and POST methods, the server variables can be passed to ASP pages / forms and this tutorial describes how to use Request variables to obtain information.

Cost: Free

Login using a session variable

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An online ASP tutorial that lets you understand the creation of login pages with password protection in ASP by simple means of explanation and coding.

Cost: Free

Applications and application variables

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Like session variables, application variables also can be manipulated in site applications through ASP and is easily learnt through this ASP educational source.

Cost: Free

Variable Scope

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This is a web based ASP learning source that teaches about the scope of variables such as local and global variables. Explains the limitations and usage of variable scope in JScript.

Cost: Free

ASP Variables

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More information on variables can be gained from this online ASP tutorial, that provides clear explanation for ASP Variables from which also, you can understand how to declare them within the applications.

Cost: Free

Session ID Does Not Persist in Active Server Pages

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In this ASP article, the usage of cookies session variables are taught to implement the session variables within ASP pages effectively until the session is in active.

Cost: Free

All About Variables Part 1 : Defining and Using

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The datatype 'Variant' in ASP and VBScript is explained along with 10 different subtypes to hold several type of values and restrictions and conventions on naming are taught through this web based ASP tutorial.

Cost: Free

Server Variables Sample

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To manipulate the server variables in web applications, web programmers can go through this online ASP tutorial for an easier understanding.

Cost: Free