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This article explains that what and how of Macromedia Flash. It will also help you to do the first steps with Flash.

Building with Flash and MySQL is a tutorial that guides the users how to create a complete balance between the flash frontend design and MySQL backend database.
Cost: Free

Beginners Flash is an easy to learn flash tutorial in which the author explains you about the basic things such as how to startup flash program, toolbox in flash, animations such as motion tweens and shape tweens.
Cost: Free
Flash 101 (part 1): The Hammer And The Chisel

This Flash tutorial will teach you how to supercharge your Web site with slick animation and effects. It covers the various drawing and selection tools available in Flash 5.
Creating a Walk Cycle in Flash

Creating a Walk Cycle in Flash is a tutorial that teaches the learners about the basic and indepth level of flash in designing animation. This tutorial is simple.
Cost: Free

This small article takes you through the creation of a simple animation and is aimed at people very new to Flash. When you've finished reading, you'll have a basic understanding of how the program works and how to use its principal functions. You'll also be able to test your movie and mount it on a Web page.
Flash 101 (part 2): Lights, Camera, Flash!

In this second part of the Flash 101 introductory tutorial series explains a few other basic concepts such as symbols, frames and the library. It also illustrates the process of exporting a Flash movie and embedding it into a Web page.
Introduction to Macromedia Flash 4.0

Macromedia's vector-based animation file format, Flash, is used in a large number of the most cutting-edge web sites today. This article covers techniques for basic tweening and preloading within the Flash authoring environment.

This is a step by step guide that teaches you how to make things move in flash.
Timeline Shape Tween in Flash MX 2004

The author of this article has given the readers an illustrative note on how to create tweened animations using flash MX 2004.
Cost: Free

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