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You can able to change your banner on your every loading page with the use of this javascript (Banner Rotation).
Cost: Free

This is a JavaScript code snippet that can be implemented in your webpage to display rotating text banners. You can set the number of banners in the script. A new banner is displayed each time the page is loaded.
Cost: Freeware
Version: 1.0
OS: Unix, Win NT, etc.

Display images in loops can be used by the users to create their own banner rotation by inserting all their images in a loop. This java based script rotates the images as a banner.
Cost: Free
Continuous Horizontal Image Scroller

This javascript program allows the webmasters to display their site with horizontally rolling image and it supports unlimited number of images in a single frame.
Cost: Free

j s Banner Script is a banner management program made using Javascript. It allows any amount of banner displays.
Cost: free
Version: 2
OS: all

Banner-Rotator is a JavaScript that change banners from one after another by creating a HTML code to implement this task. The delay time between two banners can be customized in seconds.
Cost: Free
Version: 1.31
Easy banner rotation java script

This is JavaScript tool to display ad banners one after the other on your webpage. With every new loading of the page a new ad banner will be displayed and the banners are displayed in a new window.
Cost: Freeware
Version: 1.0

Banner changes every x seconds. Here I display two ways, the better-looking-way below and the more-compatible-way above in the frame. You can able to do only with this java script (Banner Rotation).
Cost: Free

With link using of this java script "Banner Rotaotr" you are allowed to display a random image on your web page. This java script is very easy and fit for your web page.
Cost: Free
OS: Independent
Show Banner Ad Calculated paramter

This is a simple JavaScript to display a variety of ads in your website depending upon parameters that the ads supply to the current page. This also does not require the CGI to rotate the advertisements.
Cost: Free

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