
Softbiz B2B trading Marketplace Script

Raiting 5.00

Softbiz B2B trading Marketplace Script is a wonderful solution to launch your own global trading site like

Cost: US $199.00

Version: 1.1


:: BizDirectory ::

Raiting 5.00

Business listings directory

Cost: US $59.95

Version: 1.7

OS: All

AC e-Garage Sale System

Raiting 5.00

Ac e-Garage Sale System is a portal style based application focusing the Garage Sale market.This is a high performance programme with scalable technology using PHP and MySQL.

Cost: US $293.00

OS: *BSD,*nix


Raiting 5.00

phpMyDirectory is a fast and flexible programme to create an online business directory.It supports banners and logos and is self administered.It also has an inbuilt banner rotation system and it suits the big and small business directories.

Cost: US $ 99.95

Version: 9.3.5

OS: Windows,Unix, Linux

phpYellow Lite Edition

Raiting 5.00

phpYellow Lite Edition is a programme to create web yellow pages.The main features of this programmes are,developer guide,css templates,seperate user and administrative interfaces etc.

Cost: US $ 99.00

Version: 3.74

OS: Windows,Linux

Freelance 21

Raiting 5.00

With the help of this script you can build a powerful online freelancer website to bridge freelancers and webmasters for software projects on a contract basis.

Cost: US $ 75.99

Fully Developed Garage Sale Website

Raiting 5.00

This is a PHP based readymade website through which you can build a garage sales website to search across US and canada. It provides various sales listing options such as bold, bold highlight, photo and detailed description of garage sales items.

Cost: Commercial

Version: 1.0

Total Tool Bar- Portal Solutions

Raiting 5.00

This is a program that helps you to launch web based online social networking and dating portals for your website with advanced member profile management system.

Cost: Commercial

HYIP Lister Script

Raiting 5.00

HYIP Lister Script is a program based on PHP with which administrators can generate and maintain their own HYIP listing. This is an easy to use program.

Cost: Free

PHP Listings

Raiting 5.00

PHP Listings is a program built on PHP, administrators can utilize this to create and manage a local business directory for their associates.

Cost: Free

OS: Windows, Unix

Top Global B2B Marketplace Script

Raiting 5.00

Top B2B trading Marketplace Script is a wonderful solution to launch your own global trading site like well known Just perfect to launch your own top quality trading portal. It is a COMPLETE SCRIPT with quality features like Product Catalog, Company profiles, Sell Offers, Buy Offers....

Cost: us$199

Version: 1.1


Supreme Trading Marketplace Script

Raiting 5.00

Our B2B trading Marketplace Script is a wonderful solution to launch your own global trading site like well known Just perfect to launch your own top quality trading portal. It is a COMPLETE SCRIPT with quality features like Product Catalog, Company profiles, Sell Offers, Buy Offers....

Cost: $ 199.00

Version: 1.1


Craigslist / Loquo / Backpage Clone Classifieds Script

Raiting 5.00

AJClassifieds script is the world’s most powerful classified script. We develop different versions based on craiglist, loquo and backpage inspiration with installation, support and customization options which is maintained and continuously improved by our team of 30. We do offer templates with creat

Cost: 125 USD

Version: 1.6

OS: Win,Linux


Raiting 5.00

MaxTrade trading Marketplace Script is a best solution to launch your own global trading site engine. Multi-lingual Web-based access options and hight speed performance. Web based OS independant platform. Flexible and easy administration. Online Demo.

Cost: US$33

Version: 1.0.3

OS: *nix

Modern Business Directory

Raiting 5.00

General Business Directory

Cost: $9.95

PHP123 Business Directory

Raiting 5.00

Business Directory with PHP and MYSQL

Cost: $ 49.95


Raiting 5.00

Full featured business directory listing script compatible with SMARTY template engine. Recieve payments through Paypal IPN. Unlimited category and membership levels. Built in language translation system for excellent localization.

Cost: GPL

Version: 1.0

OS: Unix

PHP123 Business Directory

Raiting 5.00

PHP123 Business Directory is a PHP/MYSQL Based Professional Classifieds

Cost: $ 14.95

OS: All

B2B Trading Marketing Script

Raiting 5.00

Our Business to business marketplace script is the perfect place to launch your own trading portal. With features like Product catalogs, company profiles, sell and buy offers, complete instant messaging, three levels of membership, customizable color and graphics, and much more.

Cost: 199.00

Scriptdog's B2B Trading Marketing Script

Raiting 5.00

Our Business to business marketplace script is the perfect place to launch your own trading portal. With features like Product catalogs, company profiles, sell and buy offers, complete instant messaging, three levels of membership, customizable color and graphics, and much more.

Cost: 199.00


Raiting 5.00

Run your own job directory. The script retrieves jobs from

Cost: $15

Version: 1.0

OS: All

Business Directory Script

Raiting 5.00

Business Directory script allows your customers to place their business listings on your site, free or paid business listings to be choose from your admin setting. Included with banner ads function which allow you to place banner ads for your advertiser.

Cost: $28

OS: Linux