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Personals, dating, matchmaking professional php script. Comprehensive member profiles, advanced search, member browsing, picture upload and management including approval system, picture rating, top rated pictures, internal private messaging and blind email notification system, mass email.
Cost: US $99.00
Version: 4.6+
OS: Unix/Linux web server with PHP, MySQL.

aePartner is an independant dating software. It helps users to find partners and soul mates online. This script will provide you an efficient and profitable online dating business.
Cost: Free
Version: 0.8.3
OS: Linux, Unix

Dating Agent Biz is a software with which you will be able to create and implement your own fully functional dating website quickly and easily. The software is created using PHP and requires MySQL for storing the data. It is designed with HTML templates for easy customization.
Cost: US $ 139.00
Version: 5.0
OS: Windows NT/XP, Unix, Linux

Match Agency is software package, by using this package the users can run an online match making agency business. This system is build on PHP and supported by MySQL database.
Cost: Commercial
Version: 3
OS: Windows XP, Linux, Unix

aeDating 2.2 is a match making program created by AE Webworks. Installation is free. aeDating 2.2 comes with templates, options for pictures, chatting and instant messaging.
Cost: US $690.00
Version: 2.2
OS: Linux/Unix, Win

AzDGDatingPlatinum is an online match matching script. Web masters can create a dating service for their websites. It was created in PHP and MySQL. There are features such as instant message, supports different languages, and more.
Cost: US$299.00
Version: 1.4.0
OS: Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003,Unix,Linux,OS/2,MAC 68k,Mac PPC

By using this you can generate your own dating web page through which the web visitors can find best matches, can send pictures, chat with their friends etc.,
Cost: US $ 57.00

Dating, personals, profile rating, matchmaking script.
Cost: US $69.00
Version: 3.7
OS: win-linux-unix

vldPersonals is a professional online dating software solution.
Cost: 99.95

"Datingwa" is a comprehensive solution for online partner-search.
Cost: free
Version: v1
Handshakes by DZOIC - Social networking script

Handshakes - truly the best solution for building your own social and busiess networking service. Script is smarty-template based and fully customizable. Upcoming features include instant messenger, flash chat, advanced statistics and other very useful tools.
Cost: 300
OS: Unix/Linus/FreeBSD

Advanced matchmaking, dating, personals script with complex customization options
Cost: US$399.00
Version: 3.9
OS: win-linux-unix

Business class matchmaking software that supports registration of personal, couple and agency accounts.
Cost: US $449.00
Version: 4.3
OS: win-linux-unix
World Best eDate Site Script - New Version!

You can start your own Dating / Friendship Site with One Step Installation and Easy to change. With Flash Chat, 40+ field types for each user, 4 Membership types, Unlimited photo upload, Paypal integration, Full secure Admin area and Many More ...
Cost: US$49.95
Version: 2.8
OS: Unix, Linux

This is a plugin script for the webdate software. This plugin helps users to search by zip code and search members within a proximity. Helps finding matches quicker and easier.
Cost: US $50.00

This is a add on plugin for the web date, a dating software. It will facilitate users to rate each other along with comments. Helps users to be more interactive with the site.
Cost: US $50.00

Web date is a powerful match making and dating software. Fully automated site that handles even advanced features similar to existing sites with ease. Has plugins to make this programme perform with more features.
Cost: US $199.00
OS: 1.3

This is a chat plugin script for the webdate match making programme. It allows users to chat between them and even send instant messages to each other.
Cost: US $ 99.00

Dating Agency Builder is a dating service software that will help people meet their match and soulmates. This programme is important to those who have decided to improve their business by purchasing their own dating software and in this way to help two lonely hearts meet.
Cost: Commercial
Version: 2.7
OS: *nix, *BSD, Sun, Windows

This is a powerful dating program built with PHP, which is highly featured with member profiles, communication, billing, searching systems etc.,
Cost: Commercial

phpDatingClub is a php based fully automated dating service programme. This script can handle more than a 100,000 members. It has a full featured admin interface and advanced security features.
Cost: Free Trial / US $ 79.95
Version: 3.4
OS: Windows, Unix

Almond Personals is a php based online match finding script. This scripts allows users to place classified ads with photos and do a search of other ads.
Cost: US $ 25.00
Version: 4.05
OS: Unix
G-Dating - Online Dating Site Builder

G-Dating - Online Dating Site Builder helps webmasters and site owners to run their own online matchmaking or dating programme. This is a affordable solution with features for users and admins seperately.
Cost: US $ 88.00
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows 2000, Linux, Unix
Hott Dates - Online Picture Personal Ads

Hott Dates - Online Picture Personal Ads is a php based dating and match making software. This programme has seperate facilities for members and admins. Has a detailed searching ability too.
Cost: US $ 399.00
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Unix

Esvon Personals is a dating site script that provides you an optimal solution for personals and match making tasks. With many new features, this script will serve you to attract members and increases your profit.
Cost: US $ 399.95
OS: Windows NT/2000, Unix

HtmMatch is a script which helps you to create and run a MatchMaker site in real time. It has numerous features specific to users as well as for administrators.
Cost: US $ 99.00
Version: 1.0
OS: Unix, Linux

Dating Site is a PHP based script which allows you to create your own professional dating site with unlimited members. Allows your clients to pay through Paypal.
Cost: US $ 70.00

PerfectDate is a software for creating your own dating site on the web. The script is written using PHP and is easy to customize as well as to use.
Cost: US $ 199.95 for members
OS: Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD

Personal Ads Script allows you to create your own personal ads site online. With this script you can tap this matchmaking market and earn money.
Cost: US $ 39.95
Version: 1.1
OS: Unix

Model Agency Builder is a script that allows you to create a professional model site easily and is also cost effective. This script enables you to create an opportunity for attractive women to find a job.
Cost: US $ 599.00
OS: Linux, Unix, Solaris, FreeBSD

PHPenpals as it's name suggests, is a PHP based script with which you will be able to create your own penpals site easily. It uses MySQL database for storing the data.
Cost: Free(GPL)
Version: 4 Beta
OS: OS Independent

Full featured dating site written in PHP using a MySQL database. Includes admin area and paypal gateway.
Cost: $9.75 (£5.00)
Version: 1.0
OS: linux

Midmart Matchmaker is an online match making program in php. This is a completely automated program and capable of handling huge number of members on a Mysql database.
Cost: US $ 65.00
Version: 2
OS: Unix

This PHP application can be used to start your own professional dating service on your website with advanced searching and member profile management system.
Cost: US $549.00
Version: 2.0
OS: All

Personals site is a online match making and people connecting program. This program offers free and paid membership program. Users have facilities to message and rate other users.
Cost: Commercial
OS: Windows, Linux

Vz Counter is a simple and easy to use script that can be installed on any website to count the number of visitors who have visited their website and to display the result in the website.
Cost: Free(GPL)
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Unix, Linux

This script is used for finding opposite sex person for dating and for marriage. It offers several features like, to send greetings online, message archive, advanced and quick search etc.,
Cost: US $ 199.00
Version: v3.2
OS: Windows NT, Unix

My-Online-Friends is a PHP based program that helps webmasters to run an online match making program via internet. This also has an optional affiliate program which creates more traffic to the websites and generates more revenue.
Cost: US $ 399.00

Match Agency BiZ is a program built on PHP which can be used by the webmasters to run an online match making agency on their websites. It comes with several enhanced features for the benefit of the users.
Cost: US $ 449.00

It is a simple match making script through which the programmers can provide a match making service on their website.
Cost: US $ 25.00
Version: 3.0

This is a powerful automated dating software enriched in both client and administrative features through which you can provide fast and robust dating webservice for your site visitors.
Cost: US $ 139.00
Softbiz Dating Script ( Personal Classifieds )

Quickly Launch your own high end dating site. Includes gift shop and shopping cart. Fully Customizable colors, styles and graphics.
Cost: US$ 249.00
Version: 1.1

eDate is a PHP based application which helps you to build dating website with advanced search feature. This application has a user-friendly chat interface and you can also upload pictures through this interface.
Cost: US $ 49.00

This is an online social networking software that helps you to develop a personal classified ad program on your website with powerful admin backend.
Cost: US $ 199.00

This is a PHP based classifed ad software using which you can develop a match making website with all essential functionalities.
Cost: US $ 49.00 / US $ 399.00

This classified ads software will help you to organize an online dating web service on your website with an advanced base module to manage your members.
Cost: Commercial
Version: 2.7
OS: Windows, Unix, Linux, BSD, Sun

This program can be used for creating an internet dating program on the website by the webmasters through which the users of this program can chat and send message to other members.
Cost: Free

Webmasters can have an online dating program on their website with It is quick and easy to use.
Cost: US $699.00
Version: 7.0
OS: Unix/Linux

CamDate MatchAgency Dating is a PHP based program with which administrators can build and manage an enhanced dating website with several features. This program comes with MySQL database.
Cost: Commercial

A complete,up-to-date and powerful web application for specialized dating website including matchmaking,wide range searching and browsing,Advanced Statistics,Apply for Personal on-line,Inbox,Favorites List,Blocked List,Confidentiality,Email notification of personals with specific criteria
Cost: US$299.00
Version: 5.0
OS: Unix/WinAll

Unlimited picture upload, thumbnail generation, website name stamp on pictures.
Cost: US$139.00
Version: 5.2
OS: win-linux-unix

This Dating Script is a great solution to launch your own high earning dating site [Includes gift shop]. Earning opportunities to webmasters through following paid options for members:Featured Member profiles , Built Shopping cart , Featured member photo gallery......FULL Online Demo available.
Cost: US$149
Version: 1.1
Dating Software script for your online dating business

Open Your own profitable online dating business with our Professional Online Dating Software!
Cost: 90...540
Version: 2.0
OS: Unix Linux

AzDGDatingPlatinum is a most powerful Dating script working on PHP and MySQL
Cost: US$299
Version: 1.6.0
OS: Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003,Unix,Linux,OS/2,MAC 68k,Mac PPC
Shaadi Zone :: A matrimonial Services Script

Shaadi Zone is the best solution if you are looking to run a matrimonial services services. We have integrated many features which you can use and take full advantage of the matrimonial services.
Cost: USD $ 750
OS: LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP)

A fully automated and complete dating script. Make big money with your own dating website. Compatible with PayPal.
Cost: £4.99
Version: 0.1
OS: Linux
World Best Edate - Social Networking Portal Script

E-Friends makes it easier for your members to communicate with the people they know, as well as friends of friends that they have not meet before.
Cost: $149
Version: 3.0
OS: Unix, Linux

dotSilver Partner Script for own dating site sharing dotSilver database.
Cost: dotSilver Partner license (free)
Version: 0.6
OS: Linux/Unix, Windows
SkaDate Professional Dating Software

Most featured, stable meanwhile flexible, secure and fully customizable professional dating software.
Cost: 595$
Version: 3.2
OS: Linux/Unix/Windows
Blogs Plugin for Match Agency BiZ

"Blog" is a contraction from the term Web Log.
Cost: US$39
OS: Win/Linux/Unix
Friends Network Plugin for Match Agency BiZ

The Friends Network Plugin allows users to add profiles as friends on their own profile page.
Cost: US$29
OS: Win/Linux/Unix
Calendar for Events and Birthdays Plug-in for Match Agency BiZ

The Calendar for Events and Birthdays Plug-in provides a calendar panel with events and birthdays for Match Agency BiZ - Matchmaking Software.
Cost: US$29
OS: Win/Linux/Unix
Multimedia Resource Directory Plug-in for Match Agency BiZ

Using the Multimedia Resource Directory Plug-in, members can upload and attach to their profiles, various resources
Cost: US$39
OS: Win/Linux/Unix
AteoMessenger Webcam Instant Messenger

AteoMessenger is a custom instant messenger application with webcam support.
Cost: US$169
OS: Win/Linux/Unix

Developed by a group of full-time specialists DatingBox 3.0 is the best dating script which can be found on the current software market. DatingBox is the right choice to run your own profitable dating business of any kind including personals, adult/swingers dating or any other dating-theme community
Cost: US$549
Version: 3.0
OS: All

Developed by a group of full-time specialists DatingBox 3.0 is the best dating script which can be found on the current software market. DatingBox is the right choice to run your own profitable dating business of any kind including personals, adult/swingers dating or any other dating-theme community
Cost: US$549
Version: 3.0
OS: All

Our Dating Script is a great solution to launch your own high earning dating site [Includes gift shop]. Earning opportunities to webmasters through following paid options for members: Featured Member profiles , Built Shopping cart , Featured member photo gallery, Banner Ad management system, Support
Cost: $ 149.00
Version: 1.1

Our Dating Script is a great solution to launch your own high earning dating site [Includes gift shop]. Earning opportunities to webmasters through following paid options for members: Featured Member profiles , Built Shopping cart , Featured member photo gallery, Banner Ad management system, Support
Cost: $ 149.00
Version: 1.1
SkaDate Professional Dating Software

Most featured, stable meanwhile flexible, secure and fully customizable professional dating software.
Cost: $595
Version: 3.3
OS: Linux/Unix/Windows
AlstraSoft E-Friends Social Networking Script

Start your own online social networking community just like MySpace. Members create their own personal friends network, make friends, dating and join groups
Cost: 280
Version: 4.96
OS: Unix, Linux
Buy Dating Site - Singles Software 7.0

Advanced matchmaking software for singles websites, online matchmaker services.
Cost: 99$
Version: 7.0
OS: Win, Unix, Linux

Powerful, fast and secure dating script. Match percents, automatic installation, Fee-based system, PayPal, Chat, Instant messenger, Blogs, RSS support, Photo rating, Powerful search, Moderators, Abuse report system, Administrator panel, American or Metric units, Thumbnails, Watermarks, Zodiac signs
Cost: $79
Version: 3.0
OS: Linux, Windows
Software for Dating - Matchmaking Script 7.1

Software for Dating is the best php script package Datetopia provides for online singles & couples dating.
Cost: $799.00
Version: 7.1
OS: win/linux/unix
Online Dating Script - aeDating

Welcome to AEwebworks! Over the years, we've listened to the wants, needs, and complaints of business people who hope to develop or improve their personals and matchmaking websites. Through that feedback, we've developed products that are taking the online dating industry by storm.
Cost: $.690
Version: 1.2
OS: Windows (NT, 2000, XP), Linux, FreeBSD
A+ DatingBox - Adult/Swingers edition

Special Adult and Swingers dating website version of DatingBox package. Run Swingers or adult dating website of your dream! Double profiles for couples, gays and lesbians support, swingers club list and a fully packed box of original DatingBox functions including live webcam chat.
Cost: $549 USD
Version: 3.5
OS: All

The Dating Script package offers affordability and flexibility which combines to allow you to offer your members a truly engaging online dating experience. Features include powerful admin send mail function, member payments module, Paypal, cupid report, demographic report module, video and more...
Cost: 29.90
Version: 4
OS: Linux , Php, Mysql
MojoPersonals - Dating Software

Universal dating software to run your own online dating service or manage your agency's listings online.
Cost: US$299
Version: 4.0
OS: unix, linux, windows,freebsd

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