- C and C++
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- Visual Basic
Questions and answers of perl and cgi related topics.
Cost: US$
The Programmer's Forum offers an online message board for Perl and other programming related topics.
Cost: US$
Offering information about perl and a message forum.
Cost: US$
IT Developers Network is a freelance job auction website where 'buyers' (webmasters) can post projects for freelance programmers to produce. Extra features include, sponsorship requests, pre-made script posting. Useful tools included are a currency converter and calculator. is a site that allows expert programmers to create custom scripts for you at the prices you want to pay. You are required to post your projects and programmers will place bids, then you choose the one you like and the one who meets your specific requirements..
Programming Bids - Freelance IT Services
This site helps to match freelancers, professional programmers and IT consultants with small businesses, webmasters and web hosts for any specific work on cgi/php script development, installations, web site designs, databases and programming services etc, that these small businesses might have.
Cost: Free
WebmasterWorld Scripting Forum
WebmasterWorld Scripting Forum offers Discussion forums for Perl and PHP scripting webmasters, where they can solve any particular problem they are facing, through discussion with other experts in the field.
Ozzu Webmaster Forum is an online communication where members can discuss about web designing, Windows, search engine, and programming related topics.
Cost: Free
This site connects freelance professionals to project managers. It provides both freelancers and project managers the opportunity to expand their business and reduce their costs. Anyone can post a project for bidding or bid on current open projects on the site.
GOfreelancers is a new website/community which offers a marketplace for Freelancers and Buyers to meet and buy and sell their products. If you require a custom project for your next website or any other kind of development, from designing to php scripting, you can visit GOfreelancers.
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