
HYIP Cyberinvestment with E-Gold/Springpay

Raiting 0.00


HYIP Cyberinvestment - Operate a site that offers attractive returns or unresistable investment opportunites for your participants, or sell your interest terms to willing buyers that are willing to invest with you. Our CYBERINVESTMENT SCRIPT will faciliate you to operate such a site call HIGH YIELD INVESTING ONLINE (HYIP) with all necessary features and functions to control and to administrate, to collect deposits and to disburse returns. This auction is for the the ready to go script, with preset design templates, you just need 5 minutes to be installed into hosting and you are ready to offer your investment ideas to the market. Equiped with with E-Gold/Springpay. Internal payments system with all history transactions and users.

Title: HYIP Cyberinvestment with E-Gold/Springpay
Author: logicodes
Price / Cost: 99.99
Platform / OS: Linux
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1436kb
Last Updated: 2003-08-03
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 5
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1427
Listings ID #: 12310