
Exchanger XML Editor

Raiting 3.00


In addition to the new features such as Grid based editing, XSLT 2.0 Debugging using Saxon 8.4 (The Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor from Saxonica Limited,, XML Schema Instance Generation and simplified XSLT transformations, the Exchanger XML Editor also includes Multiple Document Interface, XDiff and Merge, XML Signature and a host of other features for an improved editing experience. The Exchanger XML Editor also provides support for a broad range of XML-related standards including XML Schema, RelaxNG, XPath, XQuery, SVG, etc. This functionality, coupled with its usability, cross-platform support and low cost, makes the Exchanger XML Editor ideal for use in both Commercial and Academic environments.

Title: Exchanger XML Editor
Author: edankert
Price / Cost: EURO €110.00, USD $130.00
Platform / OS: All Platforms (Java)
Version: 3.1
File Size: 26 MB
Last Updated: 2005-06-30
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 3.67
Total Hits #: 1621
Listings ID #: 12918