
BFN Countdown Timer

Raiting 3.00


BFN Countdown Timer provides the timer in a countdown format for the website users. This tool provides a customizable time zone ranging from years to seconds. It adds a countdown timer to any HTML document, and customizable completion date and the custom time zones, if the user is in need. This time zone is adjustable. This timer program displays the remaining time in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. It accepts images designed and submitted by the users and they are utilized to bring the expected appearance to the websites.

Title: BFN Countdown Timer
Author: admin0011
Price / Cost: Free
Last Updated: 2004-05-11
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 13
Current Rating: 3.40
Total Hits #: 2114
Listings ID #: 22584