

PHP 4.0: Dynamic Content for the Web Warrior

Raiting 5.00

In this article the author supports PHP 4.0 as an open source server-side scripting language for creating dynamic web content and it is already running on one and half million web sites worldwide. He finishes that PHP 4.0 is the best and its syntax is very consistent and easy to learn.

Cost: Free

Learning Management Systems

Raiting 5.00

This is an useful article about Learning Management System through internet. This article tells about various administrative function and performance of LMS.

Cost: Free

Raiting 5.00 is a site for learning and for gathering more knowledge about PHP. It offers some PHP scripts with Open source code for downloading. Comments can be passed to this site.

Cost: Free

And You Thought Popularity Only Mattered in High School

Raiting 5.00

By reading this simple article you will come to know how to enhance your website's link popularity that in turn helps websites to get better ranking with search engines and this tutorial also details about link exchanging service providers.

Cost: Free

7 Reasons Why PHP is Better than ASP

Raiting 5.00

The author supports PHP is superior on techinical and popularity over than ASP in long run because PHP runs on multiple OSs. He strongly recommends PHP is better than ASP with seven reasons one by one with examples.

Comparing PHP with Perl for Dynamic Web Pages

Raiting 5.00

Comparing PHP with Perl for Dynamic Web Pages is an article which compares the utility and performance of both PHP and Perl. The author concludes that PHP works faster than Perl and the perl is best for generating dynamic HTML.

Advantages of PHP Over Java

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Advantages of PHP Over Java is an article and a comparative study between PHP and Java. The author emphasis the advantages of the PHP script than Java and explains PHP is the best script for creating web pages with commercial entitites clearly.

Cost: Free

A Comparison of PHP and Cold Fusion

Raiting 5.00

A Comparison of PHP and Cold Fusion is an article by Mike Sheldon which analyses eloborately the pros and cons of PHP and CF.

What's New in PHP4?

Raiting 5.00

This article is a follow-up to Free Software Profile: PHP, this one deals with PHP4's new features. This is a over view of PHP4's new features and the notable differences between PHP3 and PHP4.

Controlling PHP Output: Caching and compressing dynamic pages

Raiting 5.00

Controlling PHP Output: Caching and compressing dynamic pages is a tutorial that teaches the users how to handle php output controlling functions for making their pages to load fast.

Cost: Free