

The elegance of JAPH: Just Another Perl Hacker

Raiting 5.00

This short script is written for a beginner and produces the output Just another Perl hacker. This also examines a few simple examples of the JAPH that can prove educative even to experts.

Sorting Techniques

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Sorting Techniques provides an introduction to sorting and teaches how to write your own sorting functions easily with perl. Some very basic and common examples of sorting have been included in the tutorial.

Cost: Free Basics

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This article tell you about page construction and parsing capabilities of Through some simple examples the tutorial shows how it can be used to simplify your Perl development.

CGI Environmental Variables

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Web server use environmental variables to pass information to a cgi script. This page highlights some of the most commonly used environmental variables along with a brief description and notes on possible uses for them.

Cost: Free

Debugging CGI Scripts

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This site offers hints and tips on debugging Perl CGI scripts. It also identifies some possible causes that lead to server errors. This essentially deals with Perl scripts and UNIX platforms.

Cost: Free

Perl 101 (Part 5) - Sub-Zero Code

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This part of the Perl 101 series introduces the subject of subroutines and also teaches how to structure your code to ensure for maximum reusability.

Configuring CGI Scripts

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This tutorial teaches a novice the aspect of installing CGI Script. It gives a general method to tackle the problems.

Debugging CGI Scripts 101

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This article assists you in solving problems with CGI script. Some of the topics that have been covered are short overview of the CGI calling process, server errors, logical errors and many more.

Cost: Free

Benchmarking Perl

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Benchmarking Perl is a part of the series named The Perl You Need To Know. The article covers the aspect of Perl stopwatch which allows you to time, optimize and slim down on code.

Printing all CGI environment variables

Raiting 5.00

This article provides a short CGI program. This program is capable of printing every environment variable that it knows.

Cost: Free