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Website Performance Analysis Tool

This unique tool will help you to pinpoint your web page performance issues, so that you can stop losing valuable targeted traffic.
Cost: Free
Version: 1.0
OS: Win 98, Win NT, *nix, BSD

This is a remote query script that can be used to query the status of various gaming servers and display the results in your browser.
Cost: Free

Site Monitor is an advanced server monitoring system for your web, mail and DNS servers. It supports servers or protocols like HTTP, POP3, FTP and DNS servers etc.
Cost: Free for HTTP / US $ 24.95(per month)
Advanced Expired Domains Search

This is an advanced tool in PHP that helps you to look and hunt for popular domain names and websites on the net with all kind of extensions. This program will also help you to find the search engine ranking for those particular domains.
Cost: Commercial

This remotely hosted networking tool is used for monitoring the website behaviour around the clock and if any problem found it sends clear report to the specific administrator through email, SMS or via instant messanger.
Cost: Free

This is a remote script which can be installed on your website for the purpose of displaying the information of your gaming servers to your website visitors.
Cost: Free

This is a remotely based whois lookup script which can be easily integrated with your existing website to provide your users to perform whois search for the availability of domains names.
Cost: Free
Gpmon WAP or GPRS site monitor

This is an alert management tool that can be used to monitor your website constantly and is capable to report the availability or error status to your GPRS phone.
Cost: Free

This is a remote website monitoring service which can be set up to monitor the status of your website throughout the year and informs you whenever it is not available.
Cost: Free is a free remotely hosted domain WHOIS lookup script. Supports almost every domain extension that exits. Very fast and reliable.
Cost: Free
Version: 1.00
OS: All

General Web Hosting
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