

ITtoolbox Java

Raiting 5.00

A JAVA community for IT professionals. Focusing on core JAVA, JAVA development, distributed networking, Enterprise JAVA, and other JAVA technologies.

Cost: US$

DHTMLShock Forums

Raiting 5.00

DHTMLShock Forums is a message board where people can discuss Java and other topics.

Cost: US$

Java Grand Forum

Raiting 5.00

Java Grande Forum (JGF) is to develop community consensus and recommendations for either changes to Java or establishment of standards (frameworks) for Grande libraries and services.

Cost: US$

Tek-Tips Forum

Raiting 5.00

Tek-Tips Java (Sun) forum. Talk with other professionals in this and over 800 other forums aimed at computer professionals.

Cost: US$

Ozzu Webmaster Forum

Raiting 5.00

Ozzu Webmaster Forum is an online communication where members can discuss about web designing, Windows, search engine, and programming related topics.

Cost: Free

Raiting 5.00 is an online Java Community.

Cost: US$

JavaCommerce Forums

Raiting 5.00

Ask a question or share information about Java related topics.

Cost: US$

DevX Discussion Groups

Raiting 5.00

Active discussion groups of professional developers for .NET, Visual Basic, Java, C/C++, Database, Enterprise, Security, Wireless, Open Source/Linux, and Internet/intranet developers.

Cost: US$

Community Discussion

Raiting 5.00

Here you can join ongoing forums on a variety of Java topics, chat with Java experts, access community resources, and more.

Cost: US$

Java Boutique

Raiting 5.00

The Java Boutique is a collection of java applets, games, scripts, and tutorials. Learn programming and download free java applets and source code. You can also find news about java and jini.

Cost: US$