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Creating a Mail Form with PHP and Flash - Part 2
This tutorial is an follow up of the article 'sending emails from flash'. In the contact form, there were only 4 fields to fill up. But in this improved contact form drop down menu and checkboxes were added. Some sample codes are also given in this article.
Cost: Free
Simple Login/Registration Using Flash with PHP and mySQL
This tutorial is a introduction to using mySQL and PHP in flash. This tutorial is by Jeffrey F. Hill. Most of the people are not aware that PHP can be used within flash movies.
Cost: Free
With Flash MX and the Flash 6 plug-in, we finally have unicode support in Flash. This makes it a viable tool to display text in languages other than English, including all Euro-languages with accents, Middle Eastern right-to-left scripts and many Asian Languages like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. It also helps to make dynamic text, with HTML, in Flash a more appealing visual aid to our designs since we can use bullets, arrows and symbols more creatively. Hence Unicode opens up a new door for graphic design with Type as well.
Ming and Flash Bitmaps is a tutorial for Ming and Flash Bitmaps. Easy to understand.
Creating a Mail Form with PHP and Flash offers a tutorial on making a contact form using the programming language PHP and flash.
This tutorials explains about what is flash? how to send email from flash programme with a simple programme. The author further says the similarites and differences between flash forms and HTML forms.
Cost: Free
Introduction to SWF and Flash is an article that gives the solution to create SWF and flash files using PHP. PHP inbuilt capability for creating image files comes in handy.
This tutorial describes about how to combine PHP and Flash into one single package and generate a search engine which will search through a text file and output the results to a Flash movie with some codes.
Cost: Free
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