

Random Quotes

Raiting 5.00

Here the author gives the reader some tips for displaying Random Quotes using php. The code to pick a random quote using PHP is given on the web page.

Cost: Free

OS: Windows NT, Unix

Generate a random password

Raiting 5.00

Generate a random password is a PHP tip on creating a random password. The password letters or numbers can be changed to your wish.

Simple Random HTML Emitter

Raiting 5.00

This article explains how to integrate a quick random HTML emitter to your website easily with three simple steps to follow.

Cost: Free

PHP Freaks: Randomize Images, Quotes and MySQL Results

Raiting 5.00

This tutorial explains and gives some tip about how to randomize images, quotes and MySQL results on your website with some file function.

Cost: Free

Fetching random record

Raiting 5.00

This tutorial narrates how to fetch random record in a multiple records database with the two common ways to complete this task with some example functions on the web page.

Cost: Free

How to place a random image

Raiting 5.00

This tutorial helps to know how to generate the random gallery. The sample function shown on the web page makes it clear and easy to do this task.

Simple password generator

Raiting 5.00

Simple password generator is a tutorial for beginner programmers meant for creating a random password using loops and random letters. For this the author gives some functions.

Generate Random Quotes

Raiting 5.00

This tutorial gives the necessary steps to create simple random quotes using PHP script. This is a knowledge level programme that is useful for the users who have some basic knoweledge about PHP.

Random numbers in PHP

Raiting 5.00

This article gives some code to generate three random digits between 0 and 9. These are generated using the rand function. Some sample functions are given for the users.

Random Image with a Database

Raiting 5.00

This tutorial narrates you how to create a random number and how to use that number to get a random item from a list with some sample functions on the webpage.

Cost: Free