
Free Counters

Raiting 5.00


Free Counters offers a nifty counter that will allow you to see the visitors coming to your website. 1. A unique design and build Globel Wizard to give you thousands of design combinations your counter can and will fit seamlessly and blend into your WebPage with a little imagination it's also fun too and I just loved making it… 2. An option for up to 15 digits on your counter… 3. An option to have just numbers in 216 different colour combinations 4. An option for your counter to be invisible… 5. Control over the numbers displayed and physical size…

Title: Free Counters
Author: admin
Price / Cost: Free
Version: 3
Last Updated: 2002-06-10
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1619
Listings ID #: 1195