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This is a recursive whois module/client for python which provides typical whois lookup and the ability to parse records into usable objects. Change-log: v1.1: •Reorganized class structure and API. Class WhoisRecord instead of just functions for grabbing raw records. The sub class DomainRecord for parsing the whois record. •Added more TLD mappings thanks to Istvan Marko and Dan Fandrich •Fixed major bugs in and parsers so they work better. •Added more hacks to handle inconsistencies in whois records that confused the parsers for some domains. •Timeout connection code uses sig.alarm now, better response but bad for threads since python does not support per thread signaling. •Removed out dated test records. v1.0: •Auto selection/guess of whois server by domain. •Recursive lookup for the messed up .com .net .org registries. •The ParseWhois method takes the domain instead of the raw whois data as input. Raw page is stored in the added attribute. •NoParser exception when there is no parser for a registry. •Changed the connection code not to try connecting forever and raise socket exceptions..Connection refused,No Route to host etc etc. The following changes are to be done and welcomed: •Finish mapping all top level domains in the whoismap structure for server auto-selection. Only .com .net .org .edu .de are there. •Add more Parsers. Only and parsers currently exist. •A more detailed and universal DomainRecord object for representing the most important data from the world's registries. •Improved classes/api.

Author: admin00114
Price / Cost: Free (BSD)
Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 2002-07-25
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 16
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 873
Listings ID #: 1826