

Raiting 5.00


PhpBazar is full featured classfieds AD and Match Making software. This provides webbased setup program to install and update. This is Easy to Config (config.php-File, style.css-File). Supports Multi Language and can easily customizeable with Variables & Templates (incl.: English, German). Provides Online Language Switch, Automatic Dynamic PageBreaks, Authentification (Cookie based), Password retrieval, support of unlimited categories-) Category Structured Display, structred category display and more

Title: phpBazar
Author: admin00115
Price / Cost: $99.95
Platform / OS: Unix, Linux, Windows
Version: 1.59
Last Updated: 2002-08-29
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1571
Listings ID #: 2225