
Almond Classifieds

Raiting 5.00


Almond Classifieds main idea - easy to use, configurate and install; easy set up custom categories, fields, search; Friendly users' interface (try demo). Powerful admin web interface with ability to moderate ads before they appear in the index To enable membership features, additional "Membership Module" has been developed. Optionally password protected placing ads, viewing ads details, sending privacy mail; fee or free based membership subscribing... Users can place ads with photos and multimedia file (.wav, .avi, .mp3 ...) (via their own browser). If it is necessary, they can update these files ; Browsing ads sorted by pages, displays latest ads first ; Powerful database searching capabilities that allow user to search for ads by keywords in the ad fields or by numerical range within fields such as age, price, size, etc. Optionally, if the same user (it means the same contact e-mail) sent more than one ad, on the second ad details page new link "Search all ads posted by this user" appears. By clicking on this link you can see all ads posted by the same user (with the same contact e-mail). Users have the ability to click on special link "Best Ads" to browse ads separated and rated by admin. In this folder ads can be displayed in order defined by admin; Password protected editing, renewing, deleting of Ads by owners so that only original poster can modify or delete an ad ; Privacy Mail, which hides the e-mail addresses (optionally set up by admin.) ; Optionally redirect all privacy mail messages for Ad owners to admin. address, sending copies of privacy mails to admin.; admin can easily get e-mails list of ad owners of each category for using in mail list programs Admin. can specify the time period before ads expire. Ability for admin. to modify easily or delete any ad via Web interface. and many more

Title: Almond Classifieds
Author: admin00115
Price / Cost: Free/$145
Platform / OS: Unix
Version: 3.02
Last Updated: 2002-08-29
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 63
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1881
Listings ID #: 2234