
Mailaform Form building

Raiting 5.00

Description easy form builder requires no CGI bin or PHP / mysql, all you need is a few clicks to build a full nice designed html form with drop down lists, text area's, upload image fields and more... Paid version is only $5 per month and includes auto responder service, custom redirect, the ability to use secure form hosting, (SSL) (180 BIT) and you can build upto 50 forms with upto 99 fields for each form, it takes only a few clicks to build forms here, no html needed..

Title: Mailaform Form building
Author: mailaform
Price / Cost: Free / Paid $5 per month
Platform / OS: ALL
Version: 2.5
Last Updated: 2004-05-02
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1597
Listings ID #: 22676