
Clan Command Center

Raiting 0.00


Clan Command Center (CCC) is your clan website essence. It's a powerfull package developed to fit your clan website needs. CCC provides you an easy-to-use template system which makes your clan website ultra customizable. * Easy installer * Language packs (This feature is not fully supported since we didn't have enough translators.) * Custom skin option o Skin installer o Skin chooser * Custom pages o Add your own pages o Set restrictions (e.g: members only) * Several member statutes o Clan Leader o Co-Clan Leader o War arranger o Member o Recruit o Site member o Visitor/Guest * Member profiles o Avatar o Signature o Computer specs. o ... * Personal Messaging o Send/Recieve personal messages from members. * News management o Comments o News rating * Forum o Display latest 3 topics on main page o Merge topics/posts o Close topics o Pin topics * War management o Upcoming wars + signup o War reports + Report + Demo + Screenshots + Opponent information o War statistics + Total wars played + Total wars won + Total wars lost + War win percentage o Display 3 latest wars on main page o Display 3 upcoming wars wars on main page * Site statistics o Users online o Members online o Total online o Total hits o Total visits o Total visits today o Total visits yesterday * Downloads o Subcategories o File info * Links o Subcategories o Link info o x Times referered from your site (not unique!) * Taggwall (shoutbox, guestbook) * Sponsors o Sponsor image rotator * Poll * Form mailer o Create your custom forms * Ban IPs from your site

Title: Clan Command Center
Author: playdoh
Price / Cost: Free Under the Lisence Terms
Platform / OS: Windows & Lunix
Version: 1.0
File Size: 633kb
Last Updated: 2005-01-31
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 18
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1673
Listings ID #: 39087