
Hire a programmer Hire a dedicated developer

Raiting 5.00


HIRE A PROGRAMMER / HIRE A DEDICATED DEVELOER You can hire a programmer, dedicated developer, from us according to your needs, on monthly contract basis. A good experienced Php/ASP/.Net programmer will work dedicatedly for you ,8 hours a day,6 days a week . We have our progrmmers working on monthly contract basis for clients in USA,UK,Australia & Norway. Our Programmers have 3+ Years of hands on experience in there respective areas. We can provide you resumes of our developers if needed. Our developers experience comprises mostly Ecommerce Application Development, Yahoo store Design and Development, OsCommerce sites, XCart and Custom Web & Software Application Development. Please do have a look at our online Portfolio to get the level of experience our developers possess.

Title: Hire a programmer Hire a dedicated developer
Price / Cost: 1
Platform / OS: all
Version: 1
File Size: 1
Last Updated: 2005-07-13
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1944
Listings ID #: 40041