

Raiting 3.00


EnZip, is a freeware zip compression utility for MS Windows. It Features a stylish interface, designed to compliment the Windows Explorer and making it easy to work with. Its an ideal product to manage the many zip files you download daily from the internet or to create backups of your important data. New features it offers are New batch extraction tools, Improved context menus, Improved navigation speed in folders, Complete Drag/Drop support in file browser for Add,Extract and Open and many more.

Title: EnZip
Author: admin0064
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Win95/98/NT
Version: 3.00 Beta 4.0
File Size: 1.4MB
Last Updated: 2003-01-05
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 5
Current Rating: 3.92
Total Hits #: 2028
Listings ID #: 5783