
tov (Three-D Object Viewer)

Raiting 5.00


tov (Three-D Object Viewer) is a Java applet requires a data file to implement a color 3D object viewer with wireframe and shaded features by using simple back-face culling, depth cueing, and z-buffer for hidden surface removal. Many other parameters are also provided which include initial position, spinning mode, displaying mode, scale, overall transparency, etc. Three sample data files are provided (tov_blocks.txt, tov_helicopter_1.txt, tov_helicopter_n.txt, and tov_face.txt), which can be customized or a data file of own can be used.

Title: tov (Three-D Object Viewer)
Author: admin0059
Price / Cost: Free
Version: 2002.07.31
Last Updated: 2003-02-09
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1085
Listings ID #: 8193