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jTask is a java applet which can execute java classes unattended and in a scheduled manner. This can execute any Java class with a main() method. It requires no special sub-classing or interface, so you can use any of your existing utilities without having to recompile them. Any DBA, Network Admin, or System Admin who is fluent in Java will find scheduling in this very easy. It supports features like built in logging capabilities, error notification on desktop or via email, flexible repetition (minute, day, week etc.), suppress execution before/after a specific date and time, invoke any Java class with a main() method, automatically detects when classes are re-compiled, includes wrapper class for running Windows EXE's.

Title: jTask
Author: admin0046
Price / Cost: Free/$50
Platform / OS: Win 95/98/NT
Last Updated: 2003-01-29
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1298
Listings ID #: 8767