
Network Eagle Monitor updated

Raiting 5.00


NetEagle is a network service monitor. It can monitor state of servers and various remote services over the network. Whenever the state of the monitored object ie a server or a service has changed, NetEagle is able to send various notification events or perform some actions. With the help of NetEagle you can easily administrate large networks with a lot of servers and hundreds users. This offers various features like monitoring and automatic restarting of crucial network services, notification to your System Administrator, e-mail, pager, and SMS alerts, and more, so they can reflect and fix problem immediately. NetEagle can be used in corporate network to increase stability of the work of network services and as a result save your money. NetEagle can also be usefule for individuals as they can easily track up/down state of his favorite internet sites and services. Or example when you have to download a file from specified site as soon as possible, but this particular host is down. You will not have to waste your time waiting for the site to come up or check the situation time and again, NetEagle will do the waiting for you instead.

Title: Network Eagle Monitor updated
Author: admin0043
Price / Cost: $39.90
Platform / OS: Win 9x,/NT/2000/XP
Version: 2.1
File Size: 1935 KB
Last Updated: 2003-01-29
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1739
Listings ID #: 8959