
IBM XSL Formatting Object Composer

Raiting 5.00

XSL Formatting Objects Composer (XFC) is a typesetting and display engine that implements a substantial portion of XSL Formatting Objects (FO).

Cost: Free Trial

OS: Java

Visual XML

Raiting 5.00

This tool which is written in java, enables you to create and modify DTD and XML documents.

Cost: Free

XSL Editor

Raiting 5.00

This application is used to import, create and save Extensible stylesheet language(XSL) style sheets and XML source documents

Cost: Free

OS: All Java Platforms

XML Schema Quality Checker

Raiting 5.00

This diagnoses the improper use of schema language in any input that is an XML Schema written in the W3C XML schema language. It performs a complete quality check where schema documents are connected. Where corrections are not obvious it suggests the method of fix.

OS: Java

Presenting XML

Raiting 5.00

Presenting XML is a Java web application framework. It is used for presenting HTML, PDF, WML etc. in a device independent manner. This framework supports flow of content (XML files, flat files, dynamic XML) through SAX pipelines and XSLT transforms to a device. It runs as a servlet in a web environment and also as a console application

Cost: Free

Version: 0.7.5

OS: Unix, Windows (JAVA)

XML Processing Plus Plus

Raiting 5.00

The XML Processing Plus Plus compiler converts programs written in this language's syntax into Java code that uses standard XML APIs. The language itself provides simple wrapper APIs: XmlIn and XmlOut. XmlIn is used for retrieving data from XML input streams, and XmlOut for inserting data to XML output streams.

SysDB - Synchronization between XML Schema and database

Raiting 5.00

SysDB - Synchronization between XML Schema and database is a xml program which permit the users to co-ordinate their xml data with relational database.

Cost: Free

OS: Windows