
gee! Job Listings Manager

Raiting 5.00

Post job listings online within minutes. Specify location, job type, pay, job details, experience required, and more. HR personnel can post jobs from multiple office locations.

Cost: US$ 29.95

Version: 3.0


Complete Jobs Web Application

Raiting 5.00

This gives complete solution for the web admnistrators in executing their own jobs website. This provides an entire job search for the clients who enroll with details.

Cost: US $ 39.00


Raiting 5.00

JobPost is an application ideal for the small or independent business or association who need a way to post and update job openings internally or on the internet. Ideal for intranets Backend by Access database, JobPost can store thousands of job postings in categories.

Cost: $40

Version: 1.0

OS: Win 2000, Win NT