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The C++ Programming Language (Special 3rd Edition)

In this brand-new third edition of The C++ Programming Language, author Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, presents the full specification for the C++ language and standar
Cost: US$ 64.99
Edition: 3rd
ISBN #: 0201700735
Pages: 1040
Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step

This title gives readers with previous Microsoft Visual C++ or Microsoft Visual Basic experience the foundation they need to hit the ground running with the versatile Microsof
Cost: US$ 39.99
Edition: 1st
ISBN #: 0735612897
Pages: 656
Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied

(Pearson Education) A text introducing the concept of generic components within all C++ language. Discusses issues that C++ developers deal with on a daily basis, including po
Cost: US$ 42.99
Edition: 1st
ISBN #: 0201704315
Pages: 352

"Windows programming is not difficult," observes well-respected author Ivor Horton in his book Beginning Visual C++ 6. "In fact, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 makes it remarkably e
Cost: US$ 49.99
Edition: 1st
ISBN #: 186100088X
Pages: 1184
Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing

The product of a unique collaboration among four leading scientists in academic research and industry, \[I\]Numerical Recipes\[/I\] is a comprehensive text and reference work
Cost: US$ 70.00
Edition: 2nd
ISBN #: 0521750334
Pages: 1032
More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

For programmers at the intermediate level and above. This sequel to the author's Effective C++ provides methods for improving program efficiency.
Cost: US$ 42.99
Edition: 1st
ISBN #: 020163371X
Pages: 318

4th edition of C++ Primer Plus.
Cost: US$ 49.99
Edition: 4th
ISBN #: 0672322234
Pages: 800
The C++ Standard Library : A Tutorial and Reference

Programming with the C++ Standard Library can certainly be difficult, but Nicolai Josuttis's The C++ Standard Library provides one of the best available guides to using the bu
Cost: US$ 57.99
Edition: 1st
ISBN #: 0201379260
Pages: 832
C++ How to Program (3rd Edition)

This is an exciting time in the C++ world, according to the MIT graduate authors of this classic introductory programming college text. Within the context of a new ANSI/ISO C+
Cost: US$ 76.00
Edition: 3rd
ISBN #: 0130895717
Pages: 1168
Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design (2nd Edition)

This exceptionally useful text offers Scott Myers's expertise in C++ class design and programming tips. The second edition incorporates recent advances to C++ included in the
Cost: US$ 37.95
Edition: 2nd
ISBN #: 0201924889
Pages: 256

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