
3D Photo Revolution

Raiting 4.00


3DPR is a VR viewer (Virtual Reality) in Flash. Ideal for interactive presentations of works of art, sculptures and collectors objects. Without software. Without programming. Without installation. All webmasters, artists and photographers can use it with JPG photos. 3DPR can replace all images to illustrate internet sites, art galleries, museums, fashion, e-commerce, etc.. 3DPR transforms your JPG photos series in interactive Flash animation. It is only necessary to record your photos in a folder and indicate size. Animation VR is auto generated by opening Internet browser. 3DPR is provided with examples which can be replaced by your photos. The author site shows also many examples.

Title: 3D Photo Revolution
Author: winini
Price / Cost: free version or 14€
Platform / OS: all
Version: 1.3
File Size: 780
Last Updated: 2005-04-18
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: French / English
Total Votes: 333
Current Rating: 4.43
Total Hits #: 4166
Listings ID #: 39572