
FAQ Management Software - Customer Support Software - Knowledge Base Software

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Universal FAQ Manager is knowledge base software, customer support software, online support software, or technical support software. Specifically called FAQ Management Software, quality releases such as Universal FAQ Manager 2008 save businesses time and money immediately, pay for themselves in months, and continue delivering higher levels of customer satisfaction year after year. Such support software serves both internal customers and external customers and is scalable. With the bold claim of saving businesses time and money, is such software actually worth it? Cold cash-on-cash return on investments often are 1,000% in Year 1 ? you can easily calculate ROI. The positive impact on staff and customers cannot be calculated in the same way ? but the financial term for it is goodwill, which is an asset that can be determined, and is often attributed to the power of the brands of a business. Yet every business today must get customer service right or will not be around tomorrow. The greater picture is that if management does not find and implement systems that free up resources to be deployed at higher, more productive levels and generate more revenue more easily, it opens itself to great risk of being marginalized in the market by both customers and competitors ? in the same way that leadership in today's software markets has little correlation with leadership tomorrow ? unless the leader continues to show leadership and improvement. To evaluate FAQ Management Software, experts strongly recommend first looking closely for its overall ease of use before any specific features. Why? Any software company that releases customer support software, specifically FAQ management software, that does not serve its own customers well is not executing quality service in their product or business: installing, configuring, and ongoing maintenance can take time, and the more complex the steps, the more that can go wrong. In such cases, be afraid. Be very afraid and run away very fast.

Title: FAQ Management Software - Customer Support Software - Knowledge Base Software
Author: sthomas
Price / Cost: $197
Platform / OS: Windows
Last Updated: 2008-02-29
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1318
Listings ID #: 46712